
Sunday Poetry Series : In Shadows

Today we have a selection from Peace Tree Poets Society member, Tina Louise.

Tina Louise on "In Shadows":
Secret love that can't be realised in flesh - but our shadows touched on the wall

In Shadows

In shadows we touch,
So much possibility,
If free from this solidity.

Tied by limitations,
While imitations play,
In the way of the free.

In shadows we meet,
Reality defeat with soft edges,
No wedges between us.

Free loosened of flesh,
Enmesh black velvet shapes,
As drapes of you and me.

In shadows we play,
Foray into the theatre of us,
And trust the puppet masters.

Unbound and soaring,
Pouring liquid emotion,
The notion of us dances.

In shadows we dream,
Un-seam from reality,
No polarity to tear us apart.

A canvas for our wishes,
Ether kisses blending,
Light bending moments.

In shadows...

...our love is proclaimed.

Visit Tina Louise at her home blog.


Peace y'all



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