Every once and awhile I read the news blurbs that Yahoo throws at me when I log in. This one caught my eye : Cheap IVF option to tackle Africa’s 30% infertility rate. HUH???
Here I am thinking Africa of all places, where we've seen pictures of people having numerous numbers of children, was a place of abundant fertility. SO, I browsed the article and found this one statement that just screamed at me: An estimated 80 million people in developing countries are infertile.
HUH??? Like, what?
SO I was thinking, how can this be so? They don't have plastics or prescription drugs or work stress or any of the other numerous reasons 'we' get infertile do they? Oh wait, maybe in our ignorance of what we do only affects us as we are the only real country that means anything on this beautiful blue planet, we have polluted the entire world community.
From the article: As air rolls along this track, or wind current, it picks up more smog and dirt from air peppered with thunderstorms that help bring the pollutants miles above the Earth's surface. This finding has helped researchers better understand how high levels of ozone occur off the west coast of Africa, far from known air pollution sources.
So it means when they go get water coming down as rain from the sky from their wells, it's our and Asia's pollution that they are drinking.
We, the industrial military complex of the world, have created our own human demise. Sigh..
Peace, my friend peace