Here they are, the Infamous Five (really GOPers in sheep's clothing):
Sen. Max

Sens. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.)

Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.)

Sen. Kent Clueless Conrad (D-N.D.)

and Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.)

As HuffPo reports, there were predictable eruptions of idiocy during SFC's deliberations:
Republican senators argued that the public option would bankrupt the country and lead to a single-payer system.* "Government is not a competitor. Government is a predator," said Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa).**
Yet the GOP also defended Medicare, which Democrats took pains to point out was a government-run plan.
Sen. Rockefeller is not daunted by today's defeat. As he told HuffPo, "The public option is on the march," a view echoed by Robert Reich in his recent blog post.So let's do our civic duty and deluge our representatives' offices, again, with e-mails, phone calls and faxes, to make sure that PO stays alive and we won't have to resort to a single prayer option for our health care needs.
*Like it's a bad thing.
**I've been sayin', it's time to pull the plug on Chuck.
Cross-posted at The Middle of Nowhere.