
Saturday Sonata XIX: Lucie Idlout

Howdy folks, LT here with the Saturday Sonata.

I've been away for some weeks - my apologies. Last time I was here we listened to some music from Mongolia. Today we'll spin the globe a bit, stay up North, and end up in Iqaluit, Nunavut, where we'll find Inuit rocker Lucie Idlout.

And look: in the course of searching the internet for her music, I found Native American Tube, a YouTube-like site for Native Americans. Who knew?

But back to Lucie Idlout. Hold on. I'm serious - hold on. This song will raise your hackles like an angry dog got inside your head. This is "E5-770: My Mother's name":

You farmed my mother, E5-770

You imposed your name number

E5-770, my mother's name

Your tongue unfitt, too frail to speak

Identities of thousands cattled 'E'

E5-770, my mother's name.

Had you ever wondered of the days to face you

Now in your future I testify

Had you ever wondered of the days to face you

Now in your future you wish I was lying. I'm not lying.

You farmed my mother, E5-770

You imposed your name number

E5-770, my mother's name.

Your tongue unfitt, too frail to speak

Identities of thousands cattled 'E'

E5-770, my mother's name.

And what beautiful number

Would I be called by, born unto, tagged?

You farmed my mother, E5-770

You imposed your name number

E5-770, my mother's name.

Your tongue unfitt, too frail to speak

Identities of thousands cattled 'E'

E5-770, my mother's name.

Lucie Idlout on MySpace.

A bio and short interview.


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