
Peace, Sweet Honey in the Rock

I write your name

On my schooldesk, on treetops
On all pages, anyone ever read
On jungles, on deserts
On eagles'nest, on echoes of my childhood
On the margins of night, on the day's bread
On seasons that love one another, on my faded blue rags
On the musty pool of the sun, on the living lake of the moon
On fields across the horizon, on wings of birds
On the sea, on ships, on every puff of dawn
On footpaths that wake up, on highways that branch out
On public squares that are flowing over

I write your name

On that fruit cut in half, on my bedroom mirrow and my bedroom
On the empty shell of my bed, on my greedy and affectionate dog
On his limp awkward paw, on the springboard of my door
On every common objeect, on the top flame of the fire
On my friends' foreheads, on each body I love
On every outstretchedhand, on absence without loving
On loneliness behind bars, on the stairway to heaven
On health won back, on danger passed,
On baseless hope

I write your name

And by the weight of one word
I start my love all over again
I was born to know you
And call you by your name

Composed for inclusion in the TV production, "The Dream and the Drum," produced by Emmalyn Productions for a PBS special on the occasion of the first federal observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday, January 1986

Poem by Paul Elouard, English translation, Walter Lowenfel. Music by Nitanju Bolade-Casel.


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