... for someone who is supposed to know law and who has repeatedly pledged to respect not only the rule of law of your country but also international laws and treaties, you and your administration are definitely acting like two-faced, mendacious, incompetents.
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Hence, Mr. President, you and your administration stand in utter contempt of the laws of your own country, as well as of your own constitution and all international laws and treaties signed by your country to this effect.
Just be reminded of your very own words (emphasis added): Therefore you, sir, are a blatant, shameless, hypocritical, and untrustworthy, liar.
Allow me to paraphrase what I conveyed already to your CIA director:Ergo: you and your administration are no better than your (criminal) predecessor and his administration.
Here is but yet another case in point: your pledge of government transparency versus your mendacious actions in this respect.
Mr. President Obama - you are a sham and an incompetent - and a criminal one at that.
Just. Like. Your. Predecessor.
You, sir, are no change at all.
You are merely an extension - and continuation - of the crimes against Humanity, human rights and civil rights, that have been committed over the last eight years, and which are now still being committed under you and your equally criminal administration.
Consequently, you may consider yourself put on notice regarding such criminality.
After all - ignorance of the law is not an excuse to justify breaking the law ... as you should well know.
May you go down as much in infamy as your predecessor has.
That, at the very least, would constitute small comfort to those of us who genuinely and sincerely uphold human rights, human decency and civil rights - you know - the truly civilized ones.
An ideal that you, sir, and your damned administration, cannot claim to be anymore.
(Cross-posted from APOV)